Sing to the LORD a new song, for He has done marvelous things...Psalm 98:1

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Finding my Voice: Can you hear me?

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Romans 15:5-6

I just started back to school.  I am currently the music teacher at my sons elementary school.  This position is a dream come true for me: it's what I love doing and it challenges me in the places where I need to grow.  What I noticed after teaching for only about an hour on my first day is that my voice was already tired.  I had put so much energy, enthusiasm and power into my voice that after talking and singing, it was strained.

Websters define the voice as this:  the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, especially of human beings in speaking, shouting,singing, etc.

I see it as more, though.  Our voice is also how we're remembered.  It's our witness, our example, the scent left after we've left a room.  When I think of my voice, I wonder:  is my voice strong enough?  Is my witness powerful even if my voice is tired or weary?  Do my words encourage and strengthen others or do they remind people of how tired I am, how weary I am?  Do others feel loved and encouraged after chatting with me?

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
   be pleasing in your sight,
   LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.  Psalm 19:14

Can you hear me?  Do my words and actions reflect my love for Christ?  Or am I mumbling?  Am I so "strained" that I neglect God's gentle nudging to connect with someone?

"Lord, help my voice to be strong and stable.  I understand that being connected to You is the only way I can have a meaningful voice in the world You've placed me in. Amen."

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall is Here: Welcoming Every Season

He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
Daniel 2:20-22 

Fall feels new.  New teachers at school, new backpack, new clothes, new expectations, new personalities, new friendships blossom.  New weather as the hot summer leaves, summer clothes get packed away and new warmer clothes get tucked in drawers.  It can also bring things that aren't so welcome.  New pressures.  New goals to strive for.  A new balancing act between what is and what should be.

Heading into fall reminds me  that just as leaves fall from the trees when a season ends, the things that I struggle with will end and fall off the trees of my life.  Difficult friendships, tough times with a child, hard financial struggles - these will end or transition to something else.  How I handle them now, matters.  I need to walk with integrity in every season, no matter how I feel about them.  I am called to sing a new song in this new season and rejoice in it.

I'm thankful that God walks with me through every season, whether I'm pleasant to be around or not.  :)  He knows me and exactly what I need in my life to grow.  He is in charge of the seasons in weather and the seasons in my life.  I cannot change either.  I can only release the grip I have on my life, and humbly hand it all over to Him (again) and trust that He will bring whatever weather is best for me, right now.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Faith and Friendship

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  Psalm 23:3-5

Friendship has been crucial to understanding God's love for me.  I don't always make friends easily.  Over the years, my out-going nature has changed.  I find now that I have a husband and kids, my desire to sit around, chatting with other women hasn't been as strong of a desire.  But when God calls me to a season of suffering, when God asks me to wait for Him to do a great thing in my life, when I'm weary and need someone to tell me the truth about who God is, I need a friend.  And God has always provided someone just when I needed it.  

She holds my hand and lets me cry.  She challenges me to seek His face and let go of the need to know "why."  She comforts me with God's love and helps me chase away the doubt and confusion that creep in.  She calls me to more than what's comfortable and easy.  She holds me to my commitments and reminds me of who I am.  She is a vessel that God uses to pour hope into my empty pot.  

It is a wonderful thing to have someone like that.  I'm grateful to God for bring these gals into my life.